Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. Management includes Retail Management, International Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, High-technology and new media marketing, Investment Management, Financial Services, Costing and Financial Management, Banking and Finance Management, Human Resource Management, E-Commerce, Motivational Theories, Training and Development, Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations, Entrepreneurship Management, Management Information System, Event Management, Disaster Management, Project Management, Technology Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management.

Change Management

Communication and negotiation

Costing & Financial Management

Customer Relationship Management

Disaster Management


Entrepreneurship Management

Event Management

Financial Services

High-technology marketing

Human Resource Management

Industrial Relations

International Marketing

Investment Management

Logistics Management

Management Information System

Motivational Theories

Organizational Behavior

Project Management

Retail Management

Supply Chain Management

Technology Management